What a journey! Just when I thought this web site was done I run into glitches, yikes, it was like fingernails running on a blackboard!
The name on the web site was misspelled. I had already paid for the running of the web site and other things, BUT now I was told I needed to cancel everything and start over. Not what I wanted to hear! I was wanting to pull my hair out, as well as the agonizing feeling in the pit of my stomach, when I realized, God has this already worked out. I had to quiet myself and ask God for His help
The support from the people at WIX has been a God sent. They were patient and kind and able to help me navigate through this my nightmare ( when you are computer challenged, like me, it is a nightmare).
If you are reading this it's because the "glitches"have been fixed.
We are now at the stage of raising funds for the house(s) for these young adults.
As I look back when I was at the age these young adults are being forced to become adults, I was "green", not really knowing how the world worked, now the world is harsher, and these young adults are being asked to do it all by themselves.
I am asking if anyone has a house they would like to donate, please let me know.
We need your financial support.